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    NEMO Equipment Quasar 3D Insulated Regular Large Couchage Pad

    des avis laissez le recommanderaient à un ami
    Taille: Régulier large
    icon Cet article est expédié gratuitement au Canada







    Nouvellement ajoutée à la collection, cette étoile montante utilise notre déflecteur 3D cartographié sur le corps pour vous bercer doucement et vous garder centré sur le coussin pendant la nuit. Le déflecteur de tête légèrement surélevé sert de tête de lit, aidant à maintenir votre oreiller de camp en place. Compact, durable et soucieux de son poids, Quasar est une excellente option polyvalente pour toute aventure. Quasar 3D fait un pas en avant en matière de durabilité en tant que premier matelas de sol fabriqué avec des matériaux APPROUVÉS par bluesign®.

    Le polyester ripstop 30D durable est composé à 100 % de matériaux recyclés post-consommation qui s'adaptent au corps et offrent une sensation agréable. Nos valves multifonctionnelles à profil zéro Laylow™ personnalisées, combinées à notre sac à pompe Vortex™ inclus, vous permettent de gonfler et de dégonfler rapidement et d'effectuer facilement des micro-ajustements pour un confort maximal.

    • Les déflecteurs légèrement incurvés et cartographiés créent un support de berceau pour vous garder centré sur le coussin tout au long de la nuit.
    • Équipé de notre valve exclusive Laylow™ à profil zéro, multifonctionnelle et micro-ajustable pour un confort personnalisable et un dégonflage rapide.
    • Le tissu est APPROUVÉ bluesign® et composé à 100 % de matériaux recyclés post-consommation.
    • Le polyester ripstop 30D durable s'adapte au corps et offre une sensation agréable.
    • La conception polyvalente est compacte, durable et soucieuse du poids à un prix compétitif.
    • De l'arrière-pays au salon de votre ami, ce matelas facilite le sommeil.
    • Le sac à pompe Vortex™ inclus réduit l'humidité dans votre coussin et facilite le gonflage.
    • Les valeurs R sont de 1,8 (non isolé) et 3,3 (isolé avec 100 % PCR Primaloft), selon la norme ASTM F3340.
    • Comprend un sac de rangement compact et un kit de réparation.
    • Inclus avec votre matelas de couchage : sangle Velcro, kit de réparation, sac de rangement à cordon, sac à pompe Vortex


    Isolé / Régulier Large

    Poids minimum

    1 livre, 14 onces / 850 g

    Poids emballé

    2 livres, 1 once / 930 g

    Taille emballée

    9,0 x 5,0 pouces de diamètre / 23 x 12,5 cm de diamètre

    Valeur R



    3,5 pouces




    Oiseau bleu


    PrimaLoft® 100% PCR


    100 % polyester Ripstop PCR PU, certifié Bluesign




    95 ReviewsÉcrire un Avis
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    Ratings Distribution

    Reviewed by 95 customers

    Awesome Sleeping Pad!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Sliss

    From Northeast GA

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    I just took this on a couple night trip on NC part of the AT. The other 3 guys joked about how awesome the pad was compared to theirs! I slept great both on my back and my side and never touched the ground. Highly recommend this product. Can't speak to its longevity; however, this is a very comfortable, compact sleeping option for the trails.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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    More. Zzzzzzz's

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Jon s

    From Wy

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    Almost slept through the moose walking through camp in Wyoming. Concave design keeps you centered on nat

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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    Submitted 4 years ago

    By emjo

    From spoakne

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    Best sleep I have ever gotten in the backcountry on this pad! I usually toss and turn on other pads and find myself on the ground, but not with the Quasar. The gentle cradle it provides is amazing, not to mention the slight built in pillow! No more do my hips and legs fall asleep when I sleep on my side.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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    Love them!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Boymom

    From California

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    I bought these about 3 months ago and have used them down to thirty degrees. they are quiet, comfortable, warm, and easy to pack.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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    finally I can sleep on the ground!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Ski racer Mom

    From Colorado

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    Headed to Alaska to camp for a month, have tryed out several sleeping pads this one was me clear winner for me, a side sleeper.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

    Was this review helpful to you?

    Best pad ever!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Joshua23

    From Seattle, WA

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    We bought the double to throw in our backpacking tent and we have been loving it! We've used it 2 or 3 times and it has offered the best night's sleep of any pad I've ever used. It is myself, my wife and our toddler sleeping on the pad and you can barely feel motion from the others when they turn over. Very warm too!

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

    Was this review helpful to you?

    Super comfortable!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By savrich

    From undisclosed

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    This was my first ever sleeping pad purchase and I am so happy with my decision. I am a side sleeper so this works perfect, and it is not a noisy sleeping pad like some can be.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

    Was this review helpful to you?

    Very Comfortable

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By DaveB

    From Colorado

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    This pad is extremely comfortable, easy to inflate with the included sack, and somewhat compact and lightweight. However, because it is so compact and light weight it doesn't have the durability of other pads so I don't expect it to last forever.

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

    Was this review helpful to you?

    Love this pad!

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By Sax70

    From Bolivar, OH

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    It's warm, it packs down great, and boy is it comfortable!

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

    Was this review helpful to you?

    Like sleeping on a mattress

    Submitted 4 years ago

    By MrAdamX

    From Buffalo,NY

    Verified Buyer

    Reviewed at

    Nemo - BV

    Best sleeping pad I've ever used. Packable, lightweight, insulated and extremely thick/comfortable

    Bottom Line Yes, I would recommend to a friend

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